The metal-poor end of the Spite plateau. 1: Stellar parameters, metallicities and lithium abundances
- Authors: L. Sbordone (1 and 2 and 3), P. Bonifacio (1 and 2 and 4), E. Caffau (2), H.-G. Ludwig (1 and 2 and 5), N. T. Behara (1 and 2 and 6), J. I. Gonzalez Hernandez (1 and 2 and 7), M. Steffen (8), R. Cayrel (9), B. Freytag (9), C. Van't Veer (2), P. Molaro (4), B. Plez (10), T. Sivarani (11), M. Spite (2), F. Spite (2), T. C. Beers (12), N. Christlieb (5), P. Francois (2), V. Hill (2 and 13) ((1) CIFIST Marie Curie Excellence Team, (2) GEPI - Observatoire de Paris France, (3) Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics Garching Germany, (4) INAF - Oss. Trieste Italy, (5) Landessternwarte Heidelberg Germany, (6) Universite' Libre de Bruxelles Belgium, (7) Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain, (8) Astrophysikalische Institut Pottsdam Germany, (9) Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon France, (10) Universite' Montpellier France, (11) Indian Institute for Astrophysiscs Bangalore India, (12) Michigan State University USA, (13) Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice France)
A Survey of Extragalactic Faraday Rotation at High Galactic Latitude: The Vertical Magnetic Field of the Milky Way towards the Galactic Poles
Detection of high-velocity material from the wind-wind collision zone of Eta Carinae across the 2009.0 periastron passage
- Authors: Jose H. Groh (MPI for Radioastronomy), Krister E. Nielsen (NASA/GSFC & CUA), Augusto Damineli (IAG/U Sao Paulo), Theodore R. Gull (NASA/GSFC), Thomas I. Madura (U Delaware), D. J. Hillier (U Pittsburgh), Mairan Teodoro (IAG/U Sao Paulo), Thomas Driebe (MPIfR), Gerd Weigelt (MPIfR), Henrik Hartman (Lund U), Florian Kerber (ESO), Atsuo T. Okazaki (Hokkai-Gakuen U), Stan P. Owocki (U Delaware), Florentin Millour (MPIfR), Koji Murakawa (MPIfR), Stefan Kraus (U Michigan), Karl-Heinz Hofmann (MPIfR), Dieter Schertl (MPIfR)
VLBI observations of SN 2008iz: I. Expansion velocity and limits on anisotropic expansion
- Authors: A. Brunthaler (1), I. Marti-Vidal (1), K.M. Menten (1), M.J. Reid (2), C. Henkel (1), G.C. Bower (3), H. Falcke (4,5), H. Feng (6), P. Kaaret (7), N.R. Butler (3), A.N. Morgan (3), A. Weiss (1) ((1) Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, (2) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (3) UC Berkeley (4) Universiteit Nijmegen, (5) ASTRON, (6) Tsinghua University, (7) University of Iowa)
Neutrino emission from high-energy component gamma-ray bursts