classic papers of the week -- 65

On Transition Probabilities in Double Beta-Disintegration

  • Furry, W. H. (Physics Research Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA)

Supersymmetry and the Scale of Unification

  • S. Dimopoulos (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, and University of Michigan) , S. Raby (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University, and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) , Frank Wilczek (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara)

Type I supernovae come from short-lived stars

tipa -- 4/25/2008

Effects of Supernova Feedback on the Formation of Galaxy Disks

Neutrino Interactions

classic papers of the week -- 62

Shock Waves and Radiation

Cosmological Constraints on the Properties of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles

  • Gary Steigman (Bartol Research Foundation, University of Delaware, Newark, DE), Michael S. Turner (Enrico Fermi Institute, The University of Chicago; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)