Linking Short Gamma Ray Bursts and their Host Galaxies
Relativistic Spin Precession in the Double Pulsar
- Authors: Rene P. Breton (1), Victoria M. Kaspi (1), Michael Kramer (2), Maura A. McLaughlin (3,4), Maxim Lyutikov (5), Scott M. Ransom (6), Ingrid H. Stairs (7), Robert D. Ferdman (7,8), Fernando Camilo (9), Andrea Possenti (10) ((1) McGill University, (2) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, (3) West Virginia University, (4) NRAO Green Bank, (5) Purdue University, (6) NRAO Charlottesville, (7) University of British Columbia, (8) LPCE / CNRS, (9) Columbia University, (10) INAF)
Neutrino-Nucleus Reaction Cross Sections for Light Element Synthesis in Supernova Explosions
- Authors: T. Yoshida (1), T. Suzuki (2), S. Chiba (3), T. Kajino (1), H. Yokomakura (4), K. Kimura (4), A. Takamura (5), D. H. Hartmann (6) ((1)NAOJ, (2)Nihon U., (3)JAEA, (4)Nagoya U., (5)Toyota Coll. Tech., (6)Clemson U.)
Very-High-Energy Gamma Rays from a Distant Quasar: How Transparent Is the Universe?