tipa -- 8/21/2009

Interstellar Metastable Helium Absorption as a Probe of the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate

Discovery of a Relativistic Supernova Without a Gamma-ray Trigger­

The High-Metallicity Explosion Environment of the Relativistic Supernova 2009bb

Modeling gamma-ray burst observations by Fermi and MAGIC including attenuation due to diffuse background light

The Early Asymmetries of Supernova 2008D / XRF 080109

A Search for Invisible Decays of the Upsilon(1S)

Search for a Narrow Resonance in e+e- to Four Lepton Final States

tipa -- 8/20/2009

Radio detection of LAT PSRs J1741-2054 and J2032+4127: no longer just gamma-ray pulsars

Insight Into the Formation of the Milky Way Through Cold Halo Substructure. I. The ECHOS of Milky Way Formation

tipa -- 8/19/2009

Out of the frying pan: a young pulsar with a long radio trail emerging from SNR G315.9-0.0

Extragalactic gamma-ray background radiation from dark matter annihilation

A New Approach to Searching for Dark Matter Signals in Fermi-LAT Gamma Rays

A Non-thermal WIMP Miracle

Spectra of magnetic fluctuations and relativistic particles produced by a nonresonant wave instability in supernova remnant shocks

Using Atom Interferometery to Search for New Forces

A limit for the mu -> e gamma decay from the MEG experiment

tipa -- 8/13/2009

Ultra Relativistic Particle Collisions

CANGAROO-III Observation of TeV Gamma Rays from the vicinity of PSR B1706-44

Pulsar science with the Five hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope

SN2003bg: a broad-lined Type IIb Supernova with Hydrogen

  • Authors: Paolo A. Mazzali (1,2,3,4), Jinsong Deng (5), Mario Hamuy (6), Ken'ichi Nomoto (7) ((1) Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy, (2) INAF-OAPd, Italy, (3) MPA, Garching, Germany, (4) RESCEU, U. Tokyo, Japan, (5) NAO CAS, Beijing, China, (6) Astronomy Dept., U. Chile, (7) IPMU, U. Tokyo, Japan)

2003bg: The First Type IIb Hypernova

Light Dark Matter Detection Prospects at Neutrino Experiments

tipa -- 8/12/2009

Probing Cold Dense Nuclear Matter

A Point-Source Catalog from Swift Observations of Unidentified Fermi Sources

  • Authors: N. Mirabal (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

The Star Formation History of the Large Magellanic Cloud

tipa -- 8/6/2009

The effects of r-process heating on fall-back accretion in compact object mergers

Circumstellar interaction in type Ibn supernovae and SN 2006jc

Progenitors of core-collapse supernovae

Spectra and Light Curves of Failed Supernovae

The first stars: formation of binaries and small multiple systems

tipa -- 8/5/2009

The Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

Supernova Search with the AMANDA / IceCube Detectors

Synchrotron radiation from ultra-high energy protons and the Fermi observations of GRB 080916C

tipa -- 8/4/2009

Modeling Flows Around Merging Black Hole Binaries

Limits on Radioactive-Powered Emission Associated With a Short-Hard GRB 070724A in a Star-Forming Galaxy

Determining the escape fraction of ionizing photons during reionization with the GRB derived star-formation rate

Implications of High-Resolution Simulations on Indirect Dark Matter Searches

VERITAS Collaboration Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference

tipa -- 8/3/2009

Positional Effects on Citation and Readership in arXiv

Galactic masers and the Milky Way circular velocity

Runaway Stars, Hypervelocity Stars, and Radial Velocity Surveys

On the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect from dark matter annihilation or decay in galaxy clusters