tipa -- 10/15/2009

How cold is Dark Matter? Constraints from Milky Way Satellites

Magnetic Field-Decay-Induced Electron Captures: a Strong Heat Source in Magnetar Crusts

High Resolution X-ray Observations of the Pulsar Wind Nebula Associated with the Gamma-ray Source HESS$ $J1640-465

tipa -- 10/14/2009

Stellar Feedback in Molecular Clouds and its Influence on the Mass Function of Young Star Clusters

Two Type Ic supernovae in low-metallicity, dwarf galaxies: diversity of explosions

Fermi LAT detection of pulsed gamma-rays from the Vela-like pulsars PSR J1048-5832 and PSR J2229+6114

On the Progenitor of the Type II-Plateau SN 2008cn in NGC 4603

Cen A as TeV gamma-ray and possible UHE cosmic-ray source

Searches for High Frequency Variations in the $^8$B Solar Neutrino Flux at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

Threshold for Extended Emission in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts

tipa -- 10/13/2009

On The Heavy Chemical Composition of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

Simultaneous Multiwavelength observation of Mkn 501 in a low state in 2006

Neutrino and Antineutrino Inclusive Charged-current Cross Section Measurements with the MINOS Near Detector

High Energy Electron Signals from Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun

classic papers of the week -- 119

Forms of Relativistic Dynamics

Dynamical Role of Light Neutral Leptons in Cosmology

  • S. Tremaine, J.E. Gunn (W. K. Kellogg Radiation Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA)

Vacuum Quantum Fluctuations in Curved Space and the Theory of Gravitation

tipa -- 10/9/2009

A new low mass for the Hercules dSph: the end of a common mass scale for the dwarfs?

Detecting neutrinos from black hole neutron stars mergers

Solar Gamma Rays Powered by Secluded Dark Matter

tipa -- 10/8/2009

BLAST: the far-infrared/radio correlation in distant galaxies

AKARI and BLAST Observations of the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant and Surrounding Interstellar Medium

classic papers of the week -- 118

Direct Approach to Resolve the Solar Neutrino Problem

  • H.H. Chen (Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine)

Gravitational Radiation and the Motion of Two Point Masses

Of flying frogs and levitrons

  • Berry, M. V. (H H Wills Physics Laboratory); Geim, A. K. (High Field Magnet Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Nijmegen)

tipa -- 10/2/2009

Very blue UV-continuum slopes of low luminosity z~7 galaxies from WFC3/IR: Evidence for extremely low metallicities?

Black hole mergers: the first light

Robust Neutrino Constraints by Combining Low Redshift Observations with the CMB

A Direct Measurement of the IGM Opacity to HI Ionizing Photons

The Far-Infrared--Radio Correlation at High Redshifts: Physical Considerations and Prospects for the Square Kilometer Array

Accurate calculations of the WIMP halo around the Sun and prospects for its gamma ray detection

Supernova Kicks and Misaligned Microquasars

Mysterious transients unmasked as the bright blue death throes of massive stars

Galaxy Formation In The Reionization Epoch As Hinted By Wide Field Camera 3 Observations Of The Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Particle-in-cell simulation of a mildly relativistic collision of an electron-ion plasma carrying a quasi-parallel magnetic field: Electron acceleration and magnetic field amplification at supernova shocks

High-energy emission as a test of the prior emission model for gamma-ray burst afterglows

tipa -- 10/1/2009

Effects of cosmological parameters and star formation models on the cosmic star formation history in LambdaCDM cosmological simulations

Gadolinium study for a water Cherenkov detector

Solar Neutrino Measurement at SK-III

Nuclear Astrophysics with Radioactive Beams

classic papers of the week -- 117

Formation of galaxies and large-scale structure with cold dark matter

Fourth Test of General Relativity

  • Shapiro, Irwin I. (Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA)

Evidence of Heavy Neutrino Emission in beta Decay

  • J.J. Simpson (University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada)

tipa -- 9/25/2009

Prompt Ia Supernovae Are Significantly Delayed

Stellar Binary Companions to Supernova Progenitors

  • Authors: C. S. Kochanek (Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University)

Stellar Kinematics of Young Clusters in Turbulent Hydrodynamic Simulations

tipa -- 9/24/2009

UV Continuum Slope and Dust Obscuration from z~6 to z~2: The Star Formation Rate Density at High Redshift

Thermal Relic Abundances of Particles with Velocity-Dependent Interactions

Constraints on Star Forming Galaxies at z> 6.5 from HAWK-I Y-band Imaging of GOODS-South

VLTI/AMBER unveils a possible dusty pinwheel nebula in WR118

Pamela, FGST and Sub-Tev Dark Matter