The Fermi-LAT high-latitude Survey: Source Count Distributions and the Origin of the Extragalactic Diffuse Background
Dark Matter Candidates from Particle Physics and Methods of Detection
Massive Neutrinos in Cosmology: Analytic Solutions and Fluid Approximation
The Calibration of Monochromatic Far-Infrared Star Formation Rate Indicators
- Authors: D. Calzetti (UMass), S.-Y. Wu (UMass), S. Hong (UMass), R. C. Kennicutt (IofA, Cambridge), J. C. Lee (Carnegie Obs.), D.A. Dale (U Wyoning), C. W. Engelbracht (U Arizona), L. van Zee (U Indiana), B. T. Draine (Princeton U), C.-N. Hao (Tianjin Normal U; IofA, Cambridge), K. D. Gordon (STScI), J. Moustakas (UCSD), E.J. Murphy (SSC-Caltech), M. Regan (STScI), A. Begum (IofA, Cambridge), M. Block (U Arizona), J. Dalcanton (U Washington), J. Funes (Vatican Obs, U Arizona), A. Gil de Paz (U Computense de Madrid), B. Johnson (IofA, Cambridge), S. Sakai (UCLA), E. Skillman (U Minnesota), F. Walter (MPIA-Heidelberg), D. Weisz (U Minesota), B. Williams (U Washington), Y. Wu (IPAC-Caltech)
Simulations of Magnetized Disks Around Black Holes: Effects of Black Hole Spin, Disk Thickness, and Magnetic Field Geometry
Discovery of an unusual new radio source in the star-forming galaxy M82: Faint supernova, supermassive blackhole, or an extra-galactic microquasar?
- Authors: T. W. B. Muxlow (1), R. J. Beswick (1), S. T. Garrington (1), A. Pedlar (1), D. M. Fenech (2), M. K. Argo (3), J. van Eymeren (1), M. Ward (4), A. Zezas (5,6), A. Brunthaler (7) ((1)Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Manchester, (2)UCL, (3) ICRAR, Curtin, (4) Durham, (5)IESL, Crete, (6) Harvard CfA, (7) MPIfR, Bonn)
An ultra-massive fast-spinning white dwarf in a peculiar binary system
On the use of X-ray telescopes for identifying the origin of electrons and positrons observed by Fermi and PAMELA