- Authors: D.M. Webber, V. Tishchenko, Q.~Peng, S. Battu, R.M. Carey, D.B. Chitwood, J. Crnkovic, P.T. Debevec, S. Dhamija, W. Earle, A. Gafarov, K. Giovanetti, T.P. Gorringe, F.E. Gray, Z. Hartwig, D.W. Hertzog, B. Johnson, P. Kammel, B. Kiburg, S. Kizilgul, J. Kunkle, B. Lauss, I. Logashenko, K.R. Lynch, R. McNabb, J.P. Miller, F. Mulhauser, C.J.G. Onderwater, J. Phillips, S. Rath, B.L. Roberts, P. Winter, B. Wolfe
Theoretical Support for the Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Pulsar Kicks
- Authors: J. Nordhaus (Princeton), T. D. Brandt (Princeton), A. Burrows (Princeton), E. Livne (Hebrew Univ.), C. D. Ott (Caltech)
Does M31 result from an ancient major merger?
- Authors: F. Hammer (1), Y. B. Yang (2), J. L. Wang (1,2), M. Puech (1), H. Flores (1), S. Fouquet (1) ((1) Laboratoire GEPI, Observatoire de Paris (2) National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC))
- Authors: E.Churazov, S.Sazonov, S.Tsygankov, R.Sunyaev, D.Varshalovich
Laboratory constraints on chameleon dark energy and power-law fields
- Authors: Jason H. Steffen (1), Amol Upadhye (2), Al Baumbaugh (1), Aaron S. Chou (1), Peter O. Mazur (1), Ray Tomlin (1), Amanda Weltman (3), William Wester (1) ((1) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (2) Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago (3) University of Cape Town)
Rotation Speed of the First Stars
- Authors: Athena Stacy, Volker Bromm, Abraham Loeb