The Spectral Slope and Kolmogorov Constant of MHD turbulence
- Authors: Andrey Beresnyak
- Authors: A.J. van der Horst, A.P. Kamble, Z. Paragi, L.J. Sage, S. Pal, G.B. Taylor, C. Kouveliotou, J. Granot, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, C.H. Ishwara-Chandra, T.A. Oosterloo, R.A.M.J. Wijers, K. Wiersema, R.G. Strom, D. Bhattacharya, E. Rol, R.L.C. Starling, P.A. Curran, M.A. Garrett
The Birth of a Galaxy: Primoridal Metal Enrichment and Population II Stellar Populations
- Authors: John H. Wise (Princeton), Matthew J. Turk, Michael L. Norman (UCSD), Tom Abel (Stanford)
Constraining the S factor of 15N(p,g)16O at Astrophysical Energies
- Authors: P. J. LeBlanc, G. Imbriani, J. Goerres, M. Junker, R. Azuma, M. Beard, D. Bemmerer, A. Best, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, P. Corvisiero, H. Costantini, M. Couder, R. deBoer, Z. Elekes, S. Falahat, A. Formicola, Zs. Fulop, G. Gervino, A. Guglielmetti, C. Gustavino, Gy. Gyurky, F. Kaeppeler, A. Kontos, R. Kuntz, H. Leiste, A. Lemut, Q. Li, B. Limata, M. Marta, C. Mazzocchi, R. Menegazzo, S. O'Brien, A. Palumbo, P. Prati, V. Roca, C. Rolfs, C. Rossi Alvarez, E. Somorjai, E. Stech, O. Straniero, F. Strieder, W. Tan, F. Terrasi, H.P. Trautvetter, E. Uberseder, M. Wiescher