tipa -- 7/22/2011

The fate of Cyg X-1: an empirical limit on BH-NS merger rate

Complex Radio Spectral Energy Distributions in Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

PSR J0007+7303 in the CTA1 SNR: New Gamma-ray Results from Two Years of Fermi-LAT Observations

MAXI GSC monitoring of the Crab nebula and pulsar during the GeV gamma-ray flare in September 2010

Constraints on dark matter models from a Fermi LAT search for high-energy cosmic-ray electrons from the Sun

Nuclear de-excitation line spectrum of Cassiopeia A

tipa -- 7/21/2011

The Lyman-alpha forest in a blazar-heated Universe

GRB091127/SN2009nz and the VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy of its host galaxy: probing the faint end of the mass-metallicity relation

Unexpected Formation Modes of the First Hard Binary in Core Collapse

CANGAROO-III observation of TeV gamma rays from the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1614-518

U Sco 2010 outburst: observational evidence of an underlying ONeMg white dwarf

Galactic S Stars: Investigations of Color, Motion, and Spectral Features

Extended Tails from SGR 1806-20 Bursts

tipa -- 7/20/2011

New measurements of high-momentum nucleons and short-range structures in nuclei

Pan-STARRS1 Discovery of Two Ultra-Luminous Supernovae at z ~ 0.9

Velocity Evolution and the Intrinsic Color of Type Ia Supernovae

A Lower Limit on the Halo Mass to form Supermassive Black Holes

tipa -- 7/19/2011

Stellar Mass Black Holes in Young Galaxies

Enhanced Sensitivity to Dark Matter Self-annihilations in the Sun using Neutrino Spectral Information

Constraining GRB Emission Physics with Extensive Early-Time, Multiband Follow-up

Broad Line Radio Galaxies Observed with Fermi-LAT: The Origin of the GeV Gamma-Ray Emission

Cosmic rays in the surroundings of SNR G35.6-0.4

Sterile Neutrinos, Coherent Scattering and Oscillometry Measurements with Low-temperature Bolometers

The Effect of Local Dark Matter Substructure on Constraints in Sommerfeld-Enhanced Models

tipa -- 7/18/2011

Identification of gamma-ray emission from 3C345 and NRAO512

Requiem for an FCHAMP?

An Improved Limit on Pauli-Exclusion-Principle Forbidden Atomic Transitions

tipa -- 7/15/2011

Measurement of the $ν_e$ and Total $^{8}$B Solar Neutrino Fluxes with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Phase-III Data Set

Toward Early-Warning Detection of Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescence

Support for temporally varying behavior of the Pioneer anomaly from the extended Pioneer 10 and 11 Doppler data sets

tipa -- 7/14/2011

Quasi -Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares: new clues from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

Interaction between dark matter sub-halos & galactic gaseous disk

The Rise-Time Distribution of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae

Distributed Flames in Type Ia Supernovae

Evolution and Distribution of Magnetic Fields from AGNs in Galaxy Clusters II. The Effects of Cluster Size and Dynamical State

Search for $ν_μ\rightarrowν_τ$ oscillation with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

tipa -- 7/13/2011

Fermi/GBM Observations of SGR J0501+4516 Bursts

Supernova 2000cb: high-energy version of SN 1987A

  • Authors: V.P. Utrobin (1 and 2), N.N. Chugai (3) ((1) MPA, Garching, (2) ITEP, Moscow, (3) Institute of Astronomy, RAS, Moscow)

Nucleosynthesis during the Merger of White Dwarfs and the Origin of R Coronae Borealis Stars

A 12 minute Orbital Period Detached White Dwarf Eclipsing Binary

Linearized flavor-stability analysis of dense neutrino streams

tipa -- 7/12/2011

Impacts of Dark Stars on Reionization and Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background

Do baryons trace dark matter in the early universe?

The State of the Gas and the Relation Between Gas and Star Formation at Low Metallicity: the Small Magellanic Cloud

X-ray flare candidates in short gamma-ray bursts

The Young Pulsar J1357-6429 and Its Pulsar Wind Nebula

Panchromatic Observations of SN 2011dh Point to a Compact Progenitor Star

The need for a local source of UHE CR nuclei

tipa -- 7/11/2011

The Allen Telescope Array Pi GHz Sky Survey II. Daily and Monthly Monitoring for Transients and Variability in the Bootes Field

Gamma-Ray Constraints on Maximum Cosmogenic Neutrino Fluxes and UHECR Source Evolution Models

Average Inhomogeneities in Milky Way SNII and The PAMELA Anomaly

Are gravitational waves from giant magnetar flares observable?

Reply to arxiv:1106.3559 by J.I. Collar

classic papers of the week -- 200

On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum


Radiation in the Solar System: Its Effect on Temperature and Its Pressure on Small Bodies

Dynamical effects of radiation in the solar system

The Variation of Certain Speculative Prices

  • Benoit Mandelbrot (Harvard University and Research Center of the International Business Machines Corporation)

tipa -- 7/8/2011

Evidence for mild deviation from power-law distribution of electrons in relativistic shocks: GRB 090902B

The Interaction of Cosmic Rays with Diffuse Clouds

Cold flows and the first quasars

56Ni, Explosive Nucleosynthesis, and SNe Ia Diversity

The remnant of SN1987A revealed at (sub-)mm wavelengths

Are low luminosity GRBs generated by relativistic jets?

Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of the Active Galaxy 4C +55.17: Steady, Hard Gamma-Ray Emission and its Implications

Herschel Detects a Massive Dust Reservoir in Supernova 1987A