tipa -- 1/31/2014

tipa -- 1/28/2014

tipa -- 1/27/2014

tipa -- 1/24/2014

  • Y. Cao (Caltech), M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie/Princeton), A. McKay (UT Austin), A. Bradley (APO) report on behalf of the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory Collaboration
  • S. P. Tendulkar (Caltech), M. C. Liu (IfA/Hawaii), T. J. Dupuy (CfA/SAO), Y. Cao (Caltech) on behalf of the larger intermediate Palomar Transient Factory collaboration
  • Bin Ma, Peng Wei (National Astronomical Observatories , CAS), Zhaohui Shang (Tianjin Normal Univ.), Lifan Wang (Purple Mountain Observatory), Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua Univ.), on behalf of the Chinese Antarctic Survey Collaboration

tipa -- 1/22/2014

tipa -- 1/21/2014

tipa -- 1/20/2014

tipa -- 1/17/2014