tipa -- 4/13/2007

A Search for Electron Neutrino Appearance at the Delta m**2 ~ 1 eV**2 Scale

The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. The Assembly History of the Stellar Mass in Galaxies: from the Young to the Old Universe

GRB 061121: Broadband spectral evolution through the prompt and afterglow phases of a bright burst

Exciting the Magnetosphere of the Magnetar CXOU J164710.2-455216 in Westerlund 1

tipa -- 4/3/2007

Discovery of a point-like very-high-energy gamma-ray source in Monoceros

An online repository of Swift/XRT light curves of GRBs

The Return of a Static Universe and the End of Cosmology

tipa -- 3/28/2007

A giant outburst two years before the core-collapse of a massive star

Probing the ISM Near Star Forming Regions with GRB Afterglow Spectroscopy: Gas, Metals, and Dust

Missing Molecular Hydrogen and the Physical Conditions of GRB Host Galaxies

New evidence on the origin of the microquasar GRO J1655-40

Are Swift gamma-ray bursts consistent with the Ghirlanda relation?

Connecting the primordial and Galactic deuterium abundances

The Post-Burst Awakening of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar in Westerlund 1

GRO J1744-28, search for the counterpart: infrared photometry and spectroscopy

Optical studies of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC1313 X-2

tipa -- 3/27/2007

Early Optical Polarization of a Gamma Ray Burst Afterglow

Signatures of the extragalactic cosmic-ray source composition from spectrum and shower depth measurements

Dark Matter Halos with Cores from Hierarchical Structure Formation

Causality and the speed of sound

tipa -- 3/26/2007

Mergers of Black Hole -- Neutron Star binaries. I. Methods and First Results

  • Authors: Emmanouela Rantsiou (1), Shiho Kobayashi (2), Pablo Laguna (3), Frederic Rasio (1) ((1) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University; (2) Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University; (3) Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University)

Unraveling the origin of the Monoceros Stellar Ring

Unparticle Physics