tipa -- 3/11/2010

Observation of an Antimatter Hypernucleus

Discovery of a superluminal Fe K echo at the Galactic Center: The glorious past of Sgr A* preserved by molecular clouds

The (Double) White Dwarf Binary SDSS 1257+5428

Confirmation of general relativity on large scales from weak lensing and galaxy velocities

tipa -- 3/10/2010

Discovery of a new photometric sub-class of faint and fast classical novae

The Spiral Modes of the Standing Accretion Shock Instability in the Linear Phase

New Observational Constraints and Modeling of the Infrared Background: Dust Obscured Star-Formation at z>1 and Dust in the Outer Solar System

The discovery of a molecular cavity in the Norma near arm associated to H.E.S.S gamma-ray source located in the direction of Westerlund 1

The First Decade of Science with Chandra and XMM-Newton

Measurement of the atmospheric muon charge ratio with the OPERA detector

classic papers of the week -- 139

Nuclear Reactions in Stars and Nucleogenesis

Relationship between Systems of Impenetrable Bosons and Fermions in One Dimension

Quantum mechanical computers

or here

tipa -- 3/5/2010

The Fermi-LAT high-latitude Survey: Source Count Distributions and the Origin of the Extragalactic Diffuse Background

Dark Matter Candidates from Particle Physics and Methods of Detection

Massive Neutrinos in Cosmology: Analytic Solutions and Fluid Approximation

The Calibration of Monochromatic Far-Infrared Star Formation Rate Indicators

Simulations of Magnetized Disks Around Black Holes: Effects of Black Hole Spin, Disk Thickness, and Magnetic Field Geometry

Discovery of an unusual new radio source in the star-forming galaxy M82: Faint supernova, supermassive blackhole, or an extra-galactic microquasar?

An ultra-massive fast-spinning white dwarf in a peculiar binary system

On the use of X-ray telescopes for identifying the origin of electrons and positrons observed by Fermi and PAMELA

tipa -- 3/4/2010

What is the Matter with Dwarf Galaxies?

Non-detection of a statistically anisotropic power spectrum in large-scale structure

Large scale outflows from z ~ 0.7 starburst galaxies identified via ultra-strong MgII quasar absorption lines

Neutrino heating near hyper-accreting black holes

tipa -- 3/3/2010

Probing fundamental constant evolution with neutral atomic gas lines

On Radiation Pressure in Static, Dusty HII Regions

FERMI constraints on the high energy, ~1 GeV, emission of long GRBs

tipa -- 3/2/2010

Observation of Geo-Neutrinos

Systematic Effects in Extracting a "Gamma-Ray Haze" from Spatial Templates

Galaxy Clusters Selected with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from 2008 South Pole Telescope Observations

Galaxy Formation Spanning Cosmic History

Ionization near-zones associated with quasars at z ~ 6

A Runaway Black Hole in COSMOS: Gravitational Wave or Slingshot Recoil?

Reaction rate sensitivity of 44Ti production in massive stars and implications of a thick target yield measurement of 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti

Modeling the gamma-ray emission produced by runaway cosmic rays in the environment of RX J1713.7-3946

Dark-Matter Decays and Self-Gravitating Halos

tipa -- 3/1/2010

Slow Diffusion of Cosmic-Rays around a Supernova Remnant

Evidence for a Galactic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-like Signal in WMAP Data

Escape of about five per cent of Lyman-alpha photons from high-redshift star-forming galaxies

Mechanisms of Core-Collapse Supernovae & Simulation Results from the CHIMERA Code

Episodic Transient Gamma-Ray Emission from the Microquasar Cygnus X-1

Degree-scale GeV "jets" from active and dead TeV blazars

classic papers of the week -- 137

Stability of a Schwarzschild singularity

  • Tullio Regge (Istituto di Fisica della Università di Torino, Torino, Italy), John A. Wheeler (Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University)

"Giant" and "dwarf" stars

Hockey Helmets, Concealed Weapons, and Daylight Saving: A Study of Binary Choices with Externalities

tipa -- 2/19/2010

Atmospheric neutrino oscillation analysis with sub-leading effects in Super-Kamiokande I, II, and III

The Spectrum of the Isotropic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission Derived From First-Year Fermi Large Area Telescope Data

Consequences of cosmic microwave background-regulated star formation

The early UV/Optical emission form core-collapse supernovae

The impact of dark matter cusps and cores on the satellite galaxy population around spiral galaxies

Stellar collisions in accreting protoclusters: a Monte Carlo dynamical study

Supersymmetry Breaking and Gauge Mediation