tipa -- 4/27/2012

tipa -- 4/25/2012

tipa -- 4/18/2012

Optical Intensity Interferometry with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey IV: Candidates for isolated high-mass star formation in 30 Doradus

The Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies Survey: Constraints on the Bright End of the z~8 Luminosity Function

Wide-band Simultaneous Observations of Pulsars: Disentangling Dispersion Measure and Profile Variations

The Search for a Primordial Magnetic Field

Precise Relic WIMP Abundance and its Impact on Searches for Dark Matter Annihilation

Binary Neutron Star Mergers

tipa -- 4/17/2012

An Investigation into the Character of Pre-Explosion Core-Collapse Supernova Shock Motion

First Dark Matter Search Results from a 4-kg CF$_3$I Bubble Chamber Operated in a Deep Underground Site

Common Envelope Evolution Leading to Supernovae with Dense Interaction

Missing Dark Matter in the Local Universe

Evidence for Low Extinction in Actively Star Forming Galaxies at z$>$6.5

A Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Low-Energy CDMS Data

Star Formation in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies

tipa -- 4/16/2012

The hidden AGN main sequence: Evidence for a universal SMBH accretion to star formation rate ratio since z~2 producing a M_BH-M* relation

Universal IMF vs dark halo response in early-type galaxies: breaking the degeneracy with the fundamental plane

Variations in the Stellar IMF: from Bottom to Top

Is IGR J11014-6103 a Pulsar with the Highest Known Kick Velocity?

SimProp: a Simulation Code for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Propagation

VVV-WIT-01: An Extreme Transient of Unknown Astrophysical Origin in the VVV Survey

tipa -- 4/12/2012

The gamma-ray emission region in the FRII Radio Galaxy 3C 111

A highly magnified candidate for a young galaxy seen when the Universe was 500 Myrs old

Near-infrared observations of type Ia supernovae: The best known standard candle for cosmology

Multimessengers from core-collapse supernovae: multidimensionality as a key to bridge theory and observation

Metallicity effects on the cosmic SNIb/c and GRB rates

Cosmological lepton asymmetry with a nonzero mixing angle θ_{13}

Support for the thermal origin of the Pioneer anomaly

tipa -- 4/10/2012

The observed properties of dwarf galaxies in and around the Local Group

Supernova 1998S at 14 years Postmortem: Continuing CSM Interaction and Dust Formation

Radio Emission in the Cosmic Web

Equation-of-state dependence of the gravitational-wave signal from the ring-down phase of neutron-star mergers

  • Authors: A. Bauswein (1), H.-T. Janka (1), K. Hebeler (2), A. Schwenk (3,4) ((1) MPI for Astrophysics, Garching, (2) Ohio State University, Columbus, (3) ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, Darmstadt, (4) Technische Universitaät Darmstadt)

Discovery of VHE γ-ray emission and multi-wavelength observations of the BL Lac object 1RXS J101015.9-311909

tipa -- 4/9/2012

Light Echoes of Transients and Variables in the Local Universe

Superburst Models for Neutron Stars with Hydrogen and Helium-Rich Atmospheres

The formation of the first cosmic structures and the physics of the z~20 Universe

Red and dead: The progenitor of SN 2012aw in M95

tipa -- 4/5/2012

Assessing the Significance of Apparent Correlations Between Radio and Gamma-ray Blazar Fluxes

Optical and X-ray Transients from Planet-Star Mergers

Comparing Poynting flux dominated magnetic towers with kinetic-energy dominated jets

Discovery of High-energy and Very High Energy Gamma-ray Emission from the Blazar RBS 0413

The origin of the late rebrightening in GRB 080503

Swift J1822.3-1606: Post-outburst evolution of a nearby magnetar

Supernova neutrino halo and the suppression of self-induced flavor conversion

Search for Dark Matter and Large Extra Dimensions in pp Collisions Yielding a Photon and Missing Transverse Energy